
Submit an Abstract.
(You can use the same username and password as in the registration process.)
The abstract submission deadline was 20 November 2017.
Instructions for the poster sessions:
All accepted poster can be on display for the entire conference. There will be two poster sessions where authors can present their posters. They take place over lunchtime on the 9th and 10th of February.
The poster boards are 120 cm wide and 180 cm long, and the recommended poster format is vertical A0 (84.1x118.9 cm).
You are responsible for hanging up, and removing your poster. You can display your poster from Thursday 8th 8.00; and you should remove your poster prior 18.30 on the 10th February. We recommend you bring your poster as a printed hard copy. If you need to print your poster at ETH please contact us ().
Step 1: Set up a user account
Once you have set up your user account you have access to your data and your abstract submission up to the submission deadline.
(You can use the same username and password as in the registration process.)
Please make sure to fill in the details of the corresponding author since this is the address which will be used for all further correspondence and published in the conference documentation.
Step 2: Enter general data
Please fill in the fields listed below. These details will be used for the administration of abstracts, abstract lists and the authors‘ index.
- Abstract title (not in block capitals)
- Topics
- Authors (please mark only one presenting author)
- Author affiliations
Step 3: Upload your file as a word (doc or docx) or pdf document:
Having filled in the details below you are asked to upload the abstract file as a word document. Please make sure to submit the complete document including abstract title, authors and affiliations and the abstract text.
Please note: The file size must not exceed 2 MB, larger files may be stored incompletely. Make sure that the abstract title in the uploaded document is the same as the one indicated in step 2.
If you want to submit more than 1 abstract (up to two), repeat steps 2 and 3 and click on “submit abstract”.
Please mark your preference for Poster or Oral Communication during the submission process.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to designate the abstract format (oral or poster): the final acceptance decision is the exclusive right of the Scientific Committee Poster/Oral Presentation Guidelines will be sent in a separate email. At least one of the authors has to be registered to the EIC Meeting 2018.
Selection criteria:
The Abstracts will be evaluated and scored by a panel of Referees (selected by the Scientific Committee) according to their novelty and significance.
Each abstract must contain the following:
Objective: indicate primary purpose of study
Materials and Methods: description of data sources, subjects, design, measurements and data analysis
Results: summary of results
Conclusion: statement of the study’s conclusion and/or implication of the results
Font: Times New Roman, 12 point font size, single spaced
Word limit: 250 words (this applied to the main body of the abstract only and excludes the abstract titles and authors)
References and Figures should NOT be included in the abstract
Use of Standard Abbreviations is desirable
Language: English
SUBMIT an Abstract.
(You can use the same username and password as in the registration process.)
For questions regarding registration, abstract submission and accommodation please contact: or fill the contact form.